A Little About Me

Holding MSc degrees in the finance and HR areas and being a certified project manager, the last 20 years I’m practicing in academic, business, and consulting environments. My working expertise combines 15+ years of international industrial experience in a corporate environment, 15 years of project management, 10+ years of leadership, 10 years of instructional design in academic and business environments, and significant experience of internal and external consulting.

I’m passionate about various aspects of project management, people management, and their interconnection in the fields of corporate human resources, digitalisation, organisational and cultural change management.

Once a number of insights, thoughts, and anecdotical stories had reached their limits, I have decided to share them with you. Sometimes I publish posts from this blog on other online resources, however, this site remains the original source.

All material on this site is protected by copyright.

© 2021 - 2024 Svetlana ILINA

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)

If you believe that something on the site violates your copyright or licensing terms, please, do not hesitate to notify me via email to resolve the issue.

Technology behind

The blog is generated by Jekyll static site generator with Minimal Mistakes theme with minor adjustments to host posts on two languages and cross-link them, and just to fit my taste.

Generated content is hosted as GitHub Pages.


Email is the best and the only valid way to contact me on all matters related to this site. Please note that messages sent to this address are read irregularly, from once a week to once a month. If you need a reply from me sooner, then you certainly can find other ways to reach me)